CONIRAP – a complete system series of anti-vibration mats facilitates the elimination of noise transmitted from bogies of train sets ton surface and underground lines and thus contributes to the improvement of the environment. They can be used for gravel or concrete beds or for specifically modified systems intended for the installation on rails.

Technical data:

Deformability modulus [Mpa] Statická tuhost [N/mm3] Dynamic styffness [N/mm3] E static [Mpa] E dynamic [N/mm3]
10 Hz 40 Hz 80 Hz 10 Hz 40 Hz 80 Hz
CONIRAP 0,1 modification 550 12,14 0,0162 0,624 0,685 0,0773 0,4536 1,7472 1,9180 2,1644
CONIRAP 0,1 modification 670 12,14 0,0460 0,1010 0,1200 0,1150 1,1040 2,4240 2,8800 2,7600
CONIRAP 0,4 22,3 0,1710 0,4610 0,5480 0,5800 4,1040 11,0640 13,1520 13,9200
CONIRAP 0,7 35,81 0,3070 0,9110 1,0590 1,2350 7,3680 21,8640 25,4160 29,6400
CONIRAP 1,0 68,18 0,6320 5,5400 6,2300 6,9100 15,8000 138,5000 155,7500 172,7500



The CONIRAP 0.1 S50 anti-vibration mat is a sandwich-type product. It joins two different materials. The upper component is a CONIRAP 0.1 anti-vibration mat made of a rubber granulate, the lower component is a STERED ID 250 insulation board made of recycled synthetic textiles used in the automotive industry.

Structure-borne sound reduction Min. 22 dB according to ČSN ISO 10140-1 Annex H
Improvement sound insulation rate Min. 27 dB according to ČSN EN ISO 140 – 3[2]
Static stiffness 0,0110 N/mm3
Dynamic stiffness 10 Hz = 0,526 N/mm3
40 Hz = 0,0522 N/mm3
80 Hz = 0,0623 N/mm3
Fatigue strength:

12 500 000 cycles

 na začátku 0,01 – 0,05 N/mm

310 000 000 cycles

0,01 – 0,066 N/mm

32 500 000 cycles

Static stiffness cs 0,0118  N/mm3  0,0168 N/mm3 0,0182  N/mm3
Dynamic stiffness (5 Hz) cdyn: 0,0162 N/mm3 0,0229 N/mm3